We have had a great weekend felting in the barn. We used a mix of fleeces, but mostly Shetland and Blue-de maine all the colours were naturally dyed using plant dyes. We carded the fleece using hand-carders and a drum carder.
Guests made large wall hangings; Kate’s below was an abstract design she plans to hang at home and Hazel’s was a seascape she would like to hang in her office. We started the weekend by going down to meet our sheep, especially the new Shetland lambs, we then worked on the colours, hand carding, mixing and blending shades. We lay down the fleece and the designs, then used hot water, soap, towels, netting and bubble wrap.. and lots of welly!
We rubbed, massaged, rolled and threw until the wall hangings were well felted. These beautiful designs were enhanced by the stunning natural colours of the fleece. If you would like to join us for a felting weekend using naturally dyed fleece we have space on our weekend course in August or one space left on our residential craft holiday (Fleece to Felt) in May.