Wild Rose Makes
We have just finished, washing, dyeing and drying the wool for our new needle felting kits. They will contain our own naturally dyed wool, Shetland, Hebridian, Cheviot fleece, two felting needles, a sponge and instructions. We are starting off with Blue-tit and Robin kits. The kits contain everything needed to make a unique little bird. We use natural Indigo, Madder, Turmeric, Onion Skins, Gorse flowers and more to dye the fleece. We dye outside over an open fire.
The kits are beautifully packaged with handmade labels making our little birds a perfect gift. If you are interested in buying a kit for Christmas or before get in touch via our website. We will have a paypal site of the website soon…
Wild Rose Makes, needle felting kits; containing naturally dyed fleece: £15 each
Needle felted birds: Robin or Blue-tit

Do you have any of the blue tit felting kits available? Thanks.
Yes we do- please find the link on our website (Wild Rose Makes) and you can buy them via the paypal link. let me know if you have any problems.